Suggested links


Varroa Management Tool decision guide - if you've got mites, refer to this to figure out your plan
University of Maryland Bee Squad- bringing science to the bee yard
Maryland Apiary Registration Form -it is free, it is the law, and for your own good
Drift Watch- enables crop producers, beekeepers, and pesticide applicators to work together to protect specialty crops and apiaries through use of mapping programs.
Resources for Beekeepers from the American Beekeeping Federation
The Honey Bee Suite - A place for bees, native, wild, and managed
Queen rearing calendar app from The Beekeepers of the Susquehanna Valley
Raising Queens: A How-To Guide to Sustainable Approaches to Queen Rearing from They Keep Bees
Our Chesapeake watershed info from NASA

Refer to this section of our website: Plant these for the bees
Late season plants for bees: (PDF)
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Nursury - trees and shrubs
Million Acre Challenge- helps Maryland farmers build soil health, increase farm profitability, and improve water quality – while making farms resilient and active in the face of climate change. Our farmer-focused collaborative uses soil health science, economics, education, and incentives to achieve our mission.
North East Cover Crop Decision Tool helps decide which cover crops to plant for any season or purpose
Doug Tallamy presents The Little Things That Run The World - How to create a pollinator backyard.
Homegrown National Park Gardening for Life
Lawns to Legumes MN Board of Water and Soil

If you want to see some super cool native bees check out The USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program
Bees of Maryland a field guide PDF
Learn how to identify native bees with Sam Droege and Clare Maffei's how to 'bee' videos
The Bees in Your Backyard: A Guide to North America's Bees by: Joseph S. Wilson and Olivia J. Messinger Carril
Bee Biodiversity in Pennsylvania webinar Penn State Extention

Honeybee Democracy- by Thomas D Seeley
The Beekeeper's Handbook- by Diana Sammataro , Alphonse Avitabile, et al.
Penn State Extension Beekeeping Basics- by Maryann Frazier
Best Management Practices for hive Health a Guide for Beekeepers- by Honey Bee Health Coalition (free PDF)
OTS Queen Rearing: A Survival Guide for Beekeepers Worldwide- by Mel Disselkoen
Garden Plants for Honey Bees- by Peter Lindtner , Dr. Lawrence J. Connor, et al
100 Plants to Feed the Bees: Provide a Healthy Habitat to Help Pollinators Thrive - The Xerces Society
Plants Honey Bees Use in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys - by Shannon Trimboli - by Randy Oliver
Dr. Sammy Ramsey "Dr. Bugs" “Your Friendly Neighborhood Entomologist”
Doug Tallamy is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware.

Kaymon Renolds YouTube channel
Sawmill Charlie's Bee Farm YouTube channel *LOCAL*